Corrective Chiropractic Care
in Mt Prospect IL

Adjustment Techniques in Mt Prospect IL
Adjustment: A chiropractic adjustment in Mt Prospect is a low impact force that is applied to a vertebrae (spinal bone) in a specific direction to remove subluxations, releasing interference through the nerves. This, in turn, allows the body to operate at its optimal level.
Full Spine: Full spine is a different approach to spinal adjustment. When performing an adjustment, we analyze from the feet all the way to the head. By taking a full spine x-ray, the doctor can evaluate the entire spine and the relationship of all parts to the whole and each other.
Upper Cervical: This technique focuses only on the first and second vertebrae in the neck. The technique we use to adjust this part of the spine is a low force, low impact method, which uses a drop mechanism to adjust the vertebrae. The toggle technique was actually the first chiropractic technique developed.
Chiropractic Biophysics or CBP
Posture is a window to your spine, so analysis of posture, along with X-ray findings and your Neurological scan results together paint a picture of what's actually going on inside. For more information, click the link to
Our practice uses Hill tables with air compressor driven drop mechanisms.
For patients with low back pain and disc injuries, one of our tables is designed for flexion/distraction which takes pressure off the disc and nerves that have been injured.
The other adult adjusting table is designed to facilitate pregnant women. The pelvic piece elevates as much as it needs to according to the stage of pregnancy. The piece under the belly drops down to allow more space for the belly to rest safely and comfortably. Pregnant women love this table because it is the only way they can lie on their stomachs comfortably throughout their pregnancy. It affords the pregnant patient the opportunity to be fully adjusted when they need it most - near the end of the pregnancy.
For our younger patients, we have a fun, less intimidating table designed for children.
On Site X-rays
Innate Concepts Chiropractic offers the ability for patients to get their x-rays taken without having to go elsewhere. The doctors take full spine x-rays which view the spine from the skull to the tip of the tailbone so the whole spine and contributing factors can be seen, not just the area of complaint. If x-rays of other areas need to be taken, the doctors can do that as well. The x-rays are read in the office and analyzed by the chiropractors.
The office also offers the services of a specialized radiologist who will generate a written report. This additional report is strongly recommended, but is optional.
Each new patient will receive a comprehensive examination of the spine. Range of motion is checked to determine the extent to which normal range has been affected. Orthopedic and neurological tests are done to see if there are any indications of serious problems. A postural exam and muscle strength tests are done.
This examination is critical to provide a baseline of the patient's needs and status prior to beginning chiropractic care.
Progress exam
Every thirteenth visit a patient will receive a progress exam. This is a less comprehensive exam to monitor improvements in range of motion and posture. A neurological scan is performed to see how the function of the nervous system is progressing.
It is important to perform these reevaluations so the doctor can see how the patient is progressing and responding to the care. This is more reliable than just basing assessment on how the patient feels.
If the patient has been performing any postural therapies, x-rays will be taken periodically to monitor the structural changes in the spine.
Mechanical Traction
Traction is used to restructure the cervical and lumbar spinal curve. There is a normal curve in the neck that is 45°. The normal curve in the lower back should be between 35° and 40°. With time, these curves can be lost due to car accidents, falls, poor posture and subluxations of the spine.
Traction works to stretch the tendons, ligaments and muscles to allow the vertebrae to move back to their normal positions. This is important in presenting overstretching of the spinal cord which, if not treated, can lead to more severe neurological problems. The length of time that traction is needed to restructure depends on the amount of loss of curvature.
The adjustment is always done prior to traction. The combination helps shorten the time required to restore the proper curvature.
Therapeutic Exercises
Used when there is loss of curvature in the neck or lower spine and in patients with scoliosis, these are simple yet important exercises done initially in the office and later at home. They are part of the supportive care to help strengthen the muscles around the spine. Once the curve begins to reform, these exercises will support and maintain the new structure.
Intersegmental Traction
The "roller table" is a favorite for many patients in the office. Besides being a relaxing therapy that feels good, it is effective in increasing mobility in each segment of the spine. The "roller table" keeps the spine flexible and loose.
9am to 1pm & 3pm to 6pm
3pm to 6pm
9am to 1pm & 3pm to 6pm
9am to 1pm & 3pm to 6pm
10am to 12pm
Innate Concepts Chiropractic
668 E Northwest Hwy
Mt Prospect, IL 60056
*Most Insurances Accepted